Pioneer Trading Corporation

Quantum PrimeTrading Limited

About Us​

If you are looking for the experience of complete satisfaction, here, the Quantum Prime ensure to meet the requirements of customers

We are honored to announce that Quantum Prime is led by a team of experienced industry professionals and creative talent who, through their activities, constantly strive to create and sustain value for markets and services. As a trading company specializing in a wide range of petroleum, chemical, and petrochemical products, which serve the facilitate business relationships between suppliers and consumers.

Our services

We are the leaders in our field and provide the most trendy and dependable solution available.





The place where you can find the ideal solution to satisfy all of your business demands.

Area of expertise​

Our work includes, but is not limited to these industries
Petrochemical industry

Petrochemical industry

Oil And Gas Industry​

Oil And Gas Industry​

Medical and healthcare industry

Medical and healthcare industry